Wednesday 12 November 2014

Life Drive III

Life on the Road

While Driving home sometime ago after work I learnt some lessons, I thought was worthy of sharing.
So I chose a lane that happened to have a broken down vehicle. The implication, I was delayed for a few minutes, but even that saved me some pains I could have run into had I not been delayed.

Sometimes in life we make decisions that don't turn out so right. Yes we all find ourselves there at one time or the other. Yet while going through the road our decisions have taken us, we must stay positive. Nothing makes life positive more than positivity! Anger, leads to emotions that make you less than who you should be and in the process you hurt people around you, maybe that person you need to get out of your situation.

Remain positive no matter what road you find yourself. For I know all things work for good, especially when you love God and are called according to Purpose!

So what's you bad road, a bad marriage, failed relationship, failure at business or an exam, whatever it is, Stay POSITIVE!

Friday 15 August 2014

Life Drive II

Driving through life at high speed gets you to the end fast! Yes Fast! But you miss out on the landscape you passed by to get there. You may never notice a sign that tells you about street you might or will need to come back to sometime later. You may never notice the cloud that so beautifully set above you. You may not see the woman who sleeps by the road with nowhere to go at night. You miss out on the opportunity to know how blessed you are for many lack what you have and are yet so thankful for what they have!

Life on the fast lane makes you miss out on so much!
Life is a drive that is not just about your destination but about the path you pass through and the people you meet on the way.

Sometimes you are stuck behind the learner, to remind you, you once know nothing!
Sometimes you are outsmarted by others to make you realize what it feels like to be outsmarted and also learn some people know more than you.
Sometime you get bashed, to let you know the drive does not also go as planned, there are others on the road you should be weary off.
Sometimes you see the drama of how people bash each others to help you learn how to act when its your turn for a battle for the road.
Sometimes you get caught by the law because you lost concentration for just a few seconds! Trust me I have been there! I felt like kicking myself!
Sometimes you meet an old school mate! Just that relationship you need for you next level!
The road is always full of much more than hardened bitumen and coal tar, and cars!

The Road is a place for learning Life's Lessons!
Next time you hit the road be sure to look out for the signs, the people, the cars, the lessons waiting to be learnt!


Thursday 31 July 2014

Some of my Cakes!

Some years ago, I found that my love for baking is more than a hobby, it has become a passion, the more I go into it, the more artistic I want to be. Sharing a collections of cakes I did in the past.
Enjoy, Comment!

Life is a Drive I

Some years back it seemed like the only skill I needed to acquire to fix all of my life issues was driving. I just felt like if I could overcome my fear of driving, I would have every other thing figured out.
So I decided to enroll in a driving school, so my journey into the World on the road began.
Its been two years now and I must say driving really fixed a lot of issues and it also is exposing more issues.
Every time I am on the road, I learn new lessons. I have come to a conclusion that life is like a drive after all, you start when you are born and end it when you are dead, then you arrive at your final destination.
I have a good bad habit when driving, which is to always have a companion, my companion to an extent determines how I drive. Most times my companion is my Flash drive, it is filled with all kind of music and gospel talks (Called preaching). So when I am listening to the fast beat gospel jams, I drive faster than usual, I feel high and able! When I am listening to my slow beat jams, I am much more patient with other drivers. I also noticed that when I am listening to my talks my attitude gets better in the course of the day or week depending on what I get from the message.

Now when my companion is human, depending on who my companion is, sometimes I tend to chat all the way to my destination, or I drive to impress my companion, just to show how well I am now able to drive. Sometimes I am teaching or encouraging or learning from, my companion all the way.

I have found that your companion plays a great role that the quality your drive(journey) and who you are at the end of the journey. Your companion may differ at different points of your drive, at some point all you have are your parents and siblings, then you have friends, neighbours, then comes colleagues, people you share religious affiliations with, the person you choose marry, the God you choose to serve etc. Whom you choose to travel with determine a great deal how your fare.

I have found a Constant companion in the God I have chosen to serve. He stabilizes me through the journey and the perfect part is He is with me all through my journey even till the end.

For he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. Heb13:5b


Thursday 8 May 2014



I woke up in the early because the power company was benevolent enough to give us power, rushed to get clothes so I could iron and get ready for church, I spent an expensive 5 minutes deliberating on what to wear, before I knew it power was out again. Wow, then voices came rushing at me, my mum's words, 'you are wasting time picking clothes because you have options, if you had only one! You would have made your decision long before'. I laughed, voices! Then came my friend's words when he heard about L'wren Scott's suicide, this people should come to Nigeria and see people with so much and yet suffering but no one wants to die! I really cracked up when I he said that, we really live in one of the toughest conditions yet we move on every day with hope, holding on to just a thread and climbing the mountain, knowing one day we will get to the top. To our government of the day, if only we could just have constant, affordable power supply! To the so called Cabal, I am growing in my Prayer skills these days; you really don't want me on my knees for your sakes! Whew my mind, that’s why I had to start blogging! It’s always like a circus in here.
Forgive me where was I? Voices, voices in our head all the time.
Let's pause for a minute and ask ourselves some questions; how did this voices get into our minds or heads? How come we think the way we think? Why will anyone attempt suicide or think of inflicting harm on another person? Why will another person want to see everyone at peace?

We all are a product of the voices in our head.Like I asked earlier how did this voices make way into our head?
For me I have found that our eye gates and ear gates play a big role in what we hear in our head. We have to be deliberate about what read, watch and listen to. Do you have a challenge in an area of life? Fill your gates with positive information about that issue. Get books, videos, music, friends with positive information on the topic to help you.
I know you will get negative information you are not looking for and I know media is paid to project negative information somehow, directly or indirectly, yet you will have to take responsibility for the gates that lead to your life. Make sure you weed out any contrary information and stay positive!

Finally I leave you with Words from the Book of life (The Bible), I live by, “Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. Proverbs 4:23 ”

Wednesday 19 March 2014


I hardly listen to news these days, I know it’s a bad habit but then there are too much bad news out there. But last night as I was wrapping up my day watching the news (because my husband was watching and I had no choice), the news about  Mick Jagger's girlfriend, L'Wren Scott, who committed suicide came up. A very sad way to wrap up the day but still it got me thinking, since I have always wondered what help can be offered to suicidal people?

In church on Sunday, there was a word for someone on the verge of committing suicide. Again, I remember reading about a University of Ife Student who committed suicide sometime last week. I was discussing the story with a colleague and he said “Oh no!, we don't commit suicide in this part of the world (Nigeria, Africa), then I reminded him of the University Student , then a very sad realization hit home, this has become a Global issue. Joining the points together I think it’s time to give ink to my thoughts about Suicide.

Reading from comments made online, I found many people condemning the act, some just sorry for the family, various feelings expressed by different people.
For me the questions are;

·         What can we do about this problem that seems to have become a global phenomenon?

·         What is it about this highest form of existence of the living (or humans) that the thought to end this glorious opportunity of dominion just gets over-powering and taking the final exit by one's self presents itself as the only and final option?

A commenter on the internet wrote "It's sad when people get to that point in depression and sorrow that they can't see a way out. Many of us have been so depressed as to feel so alone and lost. And probably many have even contemplated suicide or given it thought. Sorry for her and her friends and family that she lost her battle with the demons inside...... ".
Truly, there is a point in life (see post on life a series of points) where everywhere gets so dark and it really seems like the day will never break again. Unfortunately, the intensity of dark moments often times time is directly proportional to the level of success you have attained. Success brings too many fake company and friends, people there only to sing your praises and get a share of what you have. But just like any building, survival is always dependent on the quality of foundation. I can completely relate with anyone feeling suicidal because I have had my share of dark days too. I will be sharing in my next few posts tips on how I survived, may be someone out there will learn from my experience and survive too!

Every time we carry out an action, we are either obeying the voices in our head directly or we have analysed the voices then decide on how to act. We all hear voices in our head. Our environment, the information we consume, all contribute to how we eventually act. We can never take out completely our foundations (could be homes we grew in, our first jobs, school etc.), it contributes greatly to the voices that follow us as we mature.

I remember growing up with my mother always saying, “whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well". I must confess that this voice stuck all the way, it created a consciousness to do well.

I am really fighting hard to keep this post short but the words keep rushing! There were also negative words too, they kind of stuck but I must confess, I am one of those privileged to have grown in a positive environment.

Now, try imagine (or think of) a child who grew up in an environment with a drunkard as a father, a frustrated mother, struggling to keep body and soul together. There is no guarantee of three square meals; he or she has to learn to work early in life, playground is the streets, filled with prostitutes, gangs, drugs etc.
What voices is this child hearing? I spoke to a typical child like this and I asked have you ever thought about committing suicide and he answered in the affirmative, “too many times”. Why? THE VOICES IN HIS HEAD! It's not just about this boy, he is a reflection of us, we all have VOICES IN OUR HEAD!

Check this out a TED Talk by Elizabeth Gilbert

Monday 3 February 2014

Following the little light!

Every Christmas, I ask God for a new lesson about the Christmas Story. I am sure this sharing is way behind time but like all of God’s Word the truth is eternal!

Last year I learnt from the story about the wise men and how they found Jesus; that following the star(the seeming lesser light) you will find the greater light. The wise men followed the star and they ended up finding Jesus, the Light of the World.

So yesterday I was reflecting again as I love to and it dawned on me again that this is not just a Spiritual concept but one that guides our physical life also.

Most times when we are asked about what we do, we just say lightly I am an operations staff, well I generate reports, or I sew clothes, bake cakes etc. Rarely do we see much to what we do other than the routine around them. This viewing of what we do has led to a lot of mediocrity, dissatisfied souls behind desk, very poor productivity, careless policies, suicide, drug abuse etc.

We often only see the little light and follow it like we never believe it can lead us anywhere, so we are carelessly following and missing all the significant life lessons on the way.
This concept also reminds of the seed, no seed looks like the plant it will become, sometimes they can be thrown into garbage without care, but that same seed in the garbage if properly sown and cared for, can become a source of food supply or cash!

We need a paradigm shift if any great thing is going to happen to us this year! We need to begin to see more to what we do than the routine! Begin to see how what you do affects the life of other people, this is the true value of what you do. It is not about what you are paid but about the lives you affect through what you do!

So you see, a doctor is not just seeing patients but easing the pain in the lives of sick people, the cleaner is making the environment healthy for others, the gateman is making entry and exit pleasant for the driver, the driver is taking away the stress of driving and ensuring safety, the caterer is meeting the feeding need of an event, the list goes on and on!

As we launch into the new year, I have a question for you, What do you do? What’s that you’ve got in your hands? God can use it! Take Him at His Words Whatever you hand finds to do, do with all your might! I have one little word to add, Make sure it’s Positive!