Friday 15 August 2014

Life Drive II

Driving through life at high speed gets you to the end fast! Yes Fast! But you miss out on the landscape you passed by to get there. You may never notice a sign that tells you about street you might or will need to come back to sometime later. You may never notice the cloud that so beautifully set above you. You may not see the woman who sleeps by the road with nowhere to go at night. You miss out on the opportunity to know how blessed you are for many lack what you have and are yet so thankful for what they have!

Life on the fast lane makes you miss out on so much!
Life is a drive that is not just about your destination but about the path you pass through and the people you meet on the way.

Sometimes you are stuck behind the learner, to remind you, you once know nothing!
Sometimes you are outsmarted by others to make you realize what it feels like to be outsmarted and also learn some people know more than you.
Sometime you get bashed, to let you know the drive does not also go as planned, there are others on the road you should be weary off.
Sometimes you see the drama of how people bash each others to help you learn how to act when its your turn for a battle for the road.
Sometimes you get caught by the law because you lost concentration for just a few seconds! Trust me I have been there! I felt like kicking myself!
Sometimes you meet an old school mate! Just that relationship you need for you next level!
The road is always full of much more than hardened bitumen and coal tar, and cars!

The Road is a place for learning Life's Lessons!
Next time you hit the road be sure to look out for the signs, the people, the cars, the lessons waiting to be learnt!


1 comment:

  1. Nice piece. "Life is a drive that is not just about your destination but about the path you pass through and the people you meet on the way." Thanks for this awesome truth
