Thursday 8 May 2014



I woke up in the early because the power company was benevolent enough to give us power, rushed to get clothes so I could iron and get ready for church, I spent an expensive 5 minutes deliberating on what to wear, before I knew it power was out again. Wow, then voices came rushing at me, my mum's words, 'you are wasting time picking clothes because you have options, if you had only one! You would have made your decision long before'. I laughed, voices! Then came my friend's words when he heard about L'wren Scott's suicide, this people should come to Nigeria and see people with so much and yet suffering but no one wants to die! I really cracked up when I he said that, we really live in one of the toughest conditions yet we move on every day with hope, holding on to just a thread and climbing the mountain, knowing one day we will get to the top. To our government of the day, if only we could just have constant, affordable power supply! To the so called Cabal, I am growing in my Prayer skills these days; you really don't want me on my knees for your sakes! Whew my mind, that’s why I had to start blogging! It’s always like a circus in here.
Forgive me where was I? Voices, voices in our head all the time.
Let's pause for a minute and ask ourselves some questions; how did this voices get into our minds or heads? How come we think the way we think? Why will anyone attempt suicide or think of inflicting harm on another person? Why will another person want to see everyone at peace?

We all are a product of the voices in our head.Like I asked earlier how did this voices make way into our head?
For me I have found that our eye gates and ear gates play a big role in what we hear in our head. We have to be deliberate about what read, watch and listen to. Do you have a challenge in an area of life? Fill your gates with positive information about that issue. Get books, videos, music, friends with positive information on the topic to help you.
I know you will get negative information you are not looking for and I know media is paid to project negative information somehow, directly or indirectly, yet you will have to take responsibility for the gates that lead to your life. Make sure you weed out any contrary information and stay positive!

Finally I leave you with Words from the Book of life (The Bible), I live by, “Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. Proverbs 4:23 ”