Wednesday 19 March 2014


I hardly listen to news these days, I know it’s a bad habit but then there are too much bad news out there. But last night as I was wrapping up my day watching the news (because my husband was watching and I had no choice), the news about  Mick Jagger's girlfriend, L'Wren Scott, who committed suicide came up. A very sad way to wrap up the day but still it got me thinking, since I have always wondered what help can be offered to suicidal people?

In church on Sunday, there was a word for someone on the verge of committing suicide. Again, I remember reading about a University of Ife Student who committed suicide sometime last week. I was discussing the story with a colleague and he said “Oh no!, we don't commit suicide in this part of the world (Nigeria, Africa), then I reminded him of the University Student , then a very sad realization hit home, this has become a Global issue. Joining the points together I think it’s time to give ink to my thoughts about Suicide.

Reading from comments made online, I found many people condemning the act, some just sorry for the family, various feelings expressed by different people.
For me the questions are;

·         What can we do about this problem that seems to have become a global phenomenon?

·         What is it about this highest form of existence of the living (or humans) that the thought to end this glorious opportunity of dominion just gets over-powering and taking the final exit by one's self presents itself as the only and final option?

A commenter on the internet wrote "It's sad when people get to that point in depression and sorrow that they can't see a way out. Many of us have been so depressed as to feel so alone and lost. And probably many have even contemplated suicide or given it thought. Sorry for her and her friends and family that she lost her battle with the demons inside...... ".
Truly, there is a point in life (see post on life a series of points) where everywhere gets so dark and it really seems like the day will never break again. Unfortunately, the intensity of dark moments often times time is directly proportional to the level of success you have attained. Success brings too many fake company and friends, people there only to sing your praises and get a share of what you have. But just like any building, survival is always dependent on the quality of foundation. I can completely relate with anyone feeling suicidal because I have had my share of dark days too. I will be sharing in my next few posts tips on how I survived, may be someone out there will learn from my experience and survive too!

Every time we carry out an action, we are either obeying the voices in our head directly or we have analysed the voices then decide on how to act. We all hear voices in our head. Our environment, the information we consume, all contribute to how we eventually act. We can never take out completely our foundations (could be homes we grew in, our first jobs, school etc.), it contributes greatly to the voices that follow us as we mature.

I remember growing up with my mother always saying, “whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well". I must confess that this voice stuck all the way, it created a consciousness to do well.

I am really fighting hard to keep this post short but the words keep rushing! There were also negative words too, they kind of stuck but I must confess, I am one of those privileged to have grown in a positive environment.

Now, try imagine (or think of) a child who grew up in an environment with a drunkard as a father, a frustrated mother, struggling to keep body and soul together. There is no guarantee of three square meals; he or she has to learn to work early in life, playground is the streets, filled with prostitutes, gangs, drugs etc.
What voices is this child hearing? I spoke to a typical child like this and I asked have you ever thought about committing suicide and he answered in the affirmative, “too many times”. Why? THE VOICES IN HIS HEAD! It's not just about this boy, he is a reflection of us, we all have VOICES IN OUR HEAD!

Check this out a TED Talk by Elizabeth Gilbert